Health Pickups/Damage/Character art


  • Health
  • Sound effects
  • UI
  • Shaders
  • Character Model

Currently, The character model is in the state I like it to be. I referenced Spyro the Dragon for movement.  Jumping feels tighter. You jump the same height as before but fall faster so it doesn't feel as floaty as before. This is a kids game so I loosened up on the save when reaching for a ledge. 

The health at this point is done. 4HP is the default and will stay that way. Every enemy and field hazard deals 1 HP of damage. The UI also reflects this. 

To accommodate this, there is a new health pickup for cures.

There is a new shader i am trying out. I was trying to give a Borderlands meets Wind Waker feel and i think this is pretty close.

There are sound effects for both the cactus hurting you as well as picking up the health item.

I am very much open to advice and questions.

Thank you!

Get Violet Skies

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