[0.2.0] THE BIG ONE

A lot of things to go over here so Im just going to give the TLDR.

I am finishing college so have been uber busy.

I am transitioning Jobs. Again, busy.

I finally got a week off from both!

So! Here are this one week's worth of work!

  • Mechanics
    • Ground Pound[See Gif]
  • UI
    • Pause menu has been added and nearly fully implimented except for saving.[See Gif]
    • Collecting the main collectables shows a neat animation on screen.[See Gif]
  • Level Design
    • Hub world main area has began production[See gif](the only different one)

What's to come?

Since i'll be graduating soon, I'll have ample time to continue my work. I am currently in search for a music composer. I may already have one I found at school but that is yet to be determined. I will continue to update as often as I can with detailed pics and gifs.

Peace <3

Get Violet Skies

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